Friday, August 31, 2012

Parade of Home

I have been really bad about taking pictures!!! Before school started I thought about taking pictures of our apartment to share, but then realized it wasn't super clean and didn't feel like posting pictures of a messy house. I also didn't feel like cleaning!

But Wednesday night proved to be the perfect opportunity! We hired a maid to come clean our house. In Morocco that is very common! It is actually how a lot of the women make a living here. And, we are three stressed out first year teachers. She also cooks. I wasn't super sold on the idea until I came home to an unrecognizably clean house AND my empty laundry basket! She did our laundry! I hate doing laundry! That action alone was enough to justify it!

Anyways, here is the tour our lovely (and large) apartment!

 Here is the view when you come in through the sliding door (which we use as a front door for ease and convenience). Our kitchen is Very yellow. and tall.

 The kitchen. We have a huge gas stove and an oven you have to light every time you want to use it...which I don't. :)

We have a dishwasher, that we've never used. And recently acquired a toaster!
We also have a coffee maker...but none of us drink coffee, so we put that up on a shelf too high for us to reach!

This is the view from the kitchen. The sliding door is on the left. We took one of the nine couches out of the living room and put it in our large dining room in attempt to make it more cozy. We think it worked well! Those are also the only things we have hanging on the walls in our house! Decorating wasn't/isn't our number one priority.
A better view of the dining room. We are pretty good about having "roommate dinners." And that is my teacher bag on the table...I promise that's not where I usually leave it! 
 One Half of our giant living room. I wasn't kidding about the nine couches either. They are actually called froshes and are very common in Moroccan homes. We don't really use this room much. 
 The other half of the giant living room. We have a small fireplace that does work and will come in handy this winter! And of course we have more couches! ;)

 The stairway. Oh la la!

The kitchen is to the right, living room to the left.

You can't see it, but there is a dead cockroach in the Very back...haha!

There is also a half-bath to the left of where I was standing and our real front door was behind me. But they aren't very fascinating to look at.

The fourth room/Guest room.

(Get excited sister!!!)
 My room! Yes, it is purple. Yes, I have pink sheets. :| I know. But this room had shelves and the other didn't so....

  Another picture of my room. I am proud to say that I make my bed every day! That's right mom...everyday! Aren't you proud!?

The view from the sliding door in my room. I don't have a balcony, but I do have a door. And I leave it open all the time!! It's hard to see but Casa is off the distance. There are also a lot of housing developments!
 This is also part of my view. It is a small road path that locals take. Actually, I usually see sheep on it. Or dogs. Once I saw a donkey. People on little motorized bikes also travel the path quite a bit.
 There are two little house like structures back there too. I don't know which one, or if comes from somewhere else entirely, but these people like to party! All night long! I have learned how to fall asleep to the Call to Prayer and random music at night and wake each morning to the sound of roosters crowing, dogs fighting, and donkeys braying... and I thought I came from the country! 

 The stupid main bathroom. We (Megan and I) haven't actually used this shower in almost two weeks because it floods. A lot! So all three of us have been sharing one shower! It is supposed to be fixed now...guess we will find out in the morning!

 Megan's room is to the right.
Cherith's room is to the left. She has the master suite so the bathroom we've been sharing is in there.
I didn't take pictures of their rooms. They are pretty similar to mine. Except different colors. And they have a view of the school and ocean!

Well, that's pretty much it for our lovely little apartment! It's beginning to feel more and more like a home each day!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I'm an official teacher now...

Forget certification tests and degrees, the true sign of becoming a teacher is the day you have a sick student in your class.

On my second day of teaching, I became official! (I have the pant and shoes stains to prove it!)

The first day of school went very well! My students are great (thus far) and we learned and practiced a lot of routines! And then we practiced them again. By the end, all of us were sick of them! But it made today much nicer!!!

We had just returned from lunch and recess. The students had an afternoon bellwork activity to work on that was quite tough for many...mostly because they are re-adjusting to English, not because I am a cruel teacher who gives difficult assignments! I promise!

They had finally all finished that and we were Just about to start our first unit when little Omar (who will surely never be forgotten now!) came up right next to me and puked. Thankfully, most of it hit the tile floor and it only splashed onto my pants and shoes. Of course, as a second grader he has No idea what to do but continue puking!

I sent him to the bathroom and called the nurse. She said she would send the maid up to clean it. So I gathered my kids up for More hallway practice! We walked around the school for 10 minutes (quite a trick since the school is NOT that big!) got back to the room, and it still wasn't clean! We walked/tried to find a shady spot to sit in to continue the lesson....that was pointless! We walked back to the room and Still the mess was there!!! I sent the kids over to the carpet because we could not continue to wander around. One of the assistants came in at that point and then ran off to find the maid. Apparently, she cleaned the trashcan and thought that was it. How she missed the Giant puddle shall remain a mystery!

In spite of that lovely experience, it was a great day! And now I can say I'm an official member of the club!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Searching for Balance

We sometimes joke that my family has a sickness. We are work-aholics.

My classroom could honestly consume me. I could spend all my time in there, and sometimes feel the pressure to do so. I could always add something, or change something, or re-do something (my perfectionist tendencies also work against me). A teacher's job is never Done. I am pretty sure that is a lesson I will re-learn each year...

But I want to find the balance between working and experiencing life here. I do feel right now there is a lot more work to do...setting up a classroom is not a quick activity! For me at least. I dedicated Saturday morning and afternoon to working in my class. I got a lot done this past week but still wanted/needed a full day's worth or working! We had an invite to a game night and I really wanted to trying to find that balance, I left my room early and got ready. We had a great time and I got to know some of the returning girls better. So glad I went.

My plan for Sunday, was to go to church then back to my classroom. I caught some flack from a few of the other teachers at church for spending so much time in my classroom on a Saturday..and planning to return again later. On the way back to campus we were invited out to lunch at a place in the city. As much as I wanted to be back in the classroom, I knew lunch with the girls was a better way to find that balance. Again, so glad I opted for that!

I got to back campus and really didn't feel guilty for going to lunch! I went to ask a neighbor about some home supplies and she mentioned they were headed into the market. We had little food in the apartment so one roommate and I tagged along to the market in Siel. I was able to see a new neighborhood, market, 2 grocery stores, and experience more driving/riding in a car through Casa. Again, such a great choice! (sidenote: we got bananas, avocados, lots of carrots, peppers, garlic, and tomatoes for about $10...pure happiness!)

I did eventually get into my classroom! I finally swept the floor and turned in all my papers to be copied and laminated before school begins. The other teachers were there working as well and we stopped to plan our units for the first few weeks! I am really excited to work them....they will be a fun team!

I feel like I successfully found the balance between getting work done and spending time getting to know least this past weekend! Hopefully, I am able to maintain that same clarity and recognize the importance and Need of hanging out with friends and taking time away from work.  I love that I love my job. But I also love having new friends... finding that balance can sometimes be tricky!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Birthdays and Blow-ups!

My roommate Cherith's parents also live/work at the school and yesterday was her mother's birthday! To celebrate Cherith baked her two chocolate cakes and we hosted a party (our first apartment party!) in honor of her special day. Cherith's family as well as three other families and a few teachers all came over. We enjoyed the delicious cakes and played some great games. Her mother is Very competitive and, not surprisingly, her team won both games! We had a blast hosting but all three of us agreed it was more work than we anticipated...but we are looking forward to/kind of already planning our opportunity to host!!

School starts in less than a week and I am starting to feel the pressure! Most of the day I walk around thinking "I can't possibly have my own classroom. I don't know what to do!" In reality, I know that's not true. I had a great professors/mentors in college and I truly believe I trained under one of DeWitt's best! I CAN do this!

Part of the problem stems from the fact that my teaching teammates all have a few years experience. Which is wonderful!! They will be/are great mentors to follow and learn from. But I keep comparing myself to them...which is not okay! Their excitement for more and new ideas is overwhelming me.

The other part of the problem is that I haven't been honest in telling them that I am overwhelmed by their questions and over-achieverness (yes I made up a word...its my blog!). I have been bottling up my fears and angst and today I almost reached the point of a blow-up...or break down. Either way, not what I want!!!

I had quite a bit of time to work in my classroom this afternoon and felt much better after that. I still feel like I have weeks of work to do and only a few days to complete it in....

My plan is to make it through the week with lots of deep breaths, tons of prayers, and a trust that everything will get done! And perhaps a small dose of honesty and grace too.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Extreme Makeover: classroom edition

I spent the whole day in my just wouldn't know it if you looked!

Everything was tucked inside two cabinets. The room was completely bare! Yet, surprisingly dirty; in a uncharacteristic move I forgot all cleaning supplies up at the apt. So, I started sorting through the hundreds of posters the outgoing teacher left behind. Suddenly, I had piles and piles and still really didn't know what I was doing.

I've been slightly overwhelmed this week. A lot of the other teachers here have past experience and have been here for a week longer. I was being asked about my thoughts on reading curriculum before my bags were even unpacked! I've been trying to remind myself that its okay to take some time adjusting to living here while also trying to be involved and active in the planning processes. As the week progressed though I was more and more excited to get into my room.

It felt so good to be back in a classroom. But to think of as my own classroom is absolutely crazy! I left my piles of posters and started figuring out my weekly schedule. When to do math, reading, specials, etc. I like the schedule I have...I'm hoping it doesn't change too much!

Kathleen, a super experienced international teacher came in to see how I was doing. I confessed I had no idea what I was doing and she graciously gave me some advice. After peeking on her classroom, I felt really behind! But she has spent hours in there the last few days! I took her advice and finished sorting the posters then explored a few more of the things in the cabinets.

Another teacher came in and offered some bulletin board boarders! Perfect since I didn't have much to choose from. I walked down to her room and not only got some great boarders but also some fantastic ideas and more advice! I hurried back to my room and got started on the bulletin boards. They are abut 75% finished now and they make the room look great! It's amazing what a pop of color can bring to a room.

I can't wait to get back in there again...only this time, I will bring Heavy-Duty cleaning supplies!

Week one

I have been in Morocco for a week. Only a week. It feels like so much longer!! I can't give all the details of this past week, but here are the exciting bullets...

Monday- landed. Rode thorough the city (driving here is a sport all its own!). Saw the school and my apt for the first time ever! Surprisingly large apartment! Poked around the school until I found the rest of the staff. Jumped into Orientation stuff...  Went to the Moroccan equivalent of Wal-Mart called Marjane.

Tuesday- Had the morning off so I walked to the beach with some of the other ladies who live on campus. Beautiful. Saw my classroom for the first time. Also a great sight. More orientation stuff. Another walk. Unpacking. Movie night.

Wednesday- Language class: Arabic and French! More orientation. Another walk. Another trip to Marjane/Morocco Mall. Got some ice cream while waiting for the mall to reopen at 8pm since everything closed at 7pm for ul-Fitr.

Thursday- All the girls went to Dar Bouazza for Moroccan tea and brunch at another staff members house. Discussion on culture/what to expect/how to behave. Delicious Moroccan food. Delicious. Orientation stuff/first-days-of-school talk. Exploration in the library. Went with three other staffers to ul-fitr with a Moroccan couple. They both spent time in the states and aren't very traditional Moroccan...we watched Swamp People after dinner.Got back to campus, went next door for a movie night.

Friday- Apartment flood (part 1). In the hallway, bathroom, MY room, down the stairs and pooling at the bottom. We used every towel in the house (which is really only about 5 towels) to dry the mess. Maintenance man came and said it was the hot water heater. I didn't agree, but I'm not a maintenance man. Got to Arabic class (late). Then French class. Orientation stuff. Trip to town to get photos taken for ID card and what not. Got to use my 'awesome' Arabic skills! Dinner/celebrating the end of Orientation at another staff members house.

Saturday- Lazy morning! Played Bananagrams with the ladies next door and my housemates. Went in town with same people. Shopped around Morocco Mall. Picked up Burger King for lunch, but had to eat it super fast in the car (during Ramadan it is rude to eat in public seeing as Everyone else is fasting). Caught a taxi to the Hay Hassani market with my roommate, Cherith. She was teaching me the ins and outs of taxiing in Casa. We found and purchased onions, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, peaches, and bananas. Got henna tattoos. Got lost on the way back to the taxi lot. Finally found the taxi lot. Packed into a car with 5 Moroccans to ride back to the school. Movie night.

Sunday- Apartment Flood part 2. We now think the drain is clogged/there is lots of water under the tub...causing a drip from the ceiling in the kitchen. Ran out the door to catch the bus to church. Church was great. Went to Jasmine's apartment in the city after church for lunch. Yum! Played 'Things' with some of the staff. They started to play spoons...I took a nap/finally surrendered to jet lag. Taxied to another part of town. Walked through the market to get to the taxi lot. Taxied back to school- with other girls from GWA instead of 5 random Moroccan men. Put on a movie and went to bed early!

And all of that in one super-fast week! 


Two years ago I never imagined teaching overseas. Actually, if I had that thought, I would have laughed! But here I am in Morocco. For my first year of teaching. Sometimes, I can't decide which fact is crazier!

I had crazy nerves before leaving the states/home/all-things-known-and-comfortable. But I also had a peace about where I was heading...confusing, I know! I truly believe God has lead me (even forced me at times) to where I am now. And even as I have been settling in this past week, there are constant confirmations that this is where I should be.

During my flights over I had the most fear and doubts. There was no turning back at that point and I allowed myself to surrender to the things I had been fighting so hard! I was walking through the Montreal airport (my last stop before Casa) and praying about the fears and doubts I had. I glanced out the window quickly and saw the most vibrant rainbow streaked across the entire sky! I instantly began laughing! Laughing because God is so good and he would never leave me on this journey! It was the perfect reminder and boost of confidence. Once again, God's timing is perfect!....when will I learn!


There are 4.5 school days left in the school year. And, even though last week felt super long, this year really has zipped by. Here's m...