Thursday, August 23, 2012

Birthdays and Blow-ups!

My roommate Cherith's parents also live/work at the school and yesterday was her mother's birthday! To celebrate Cherith baked her two chocolate cakes and we hosted a party (our first apartment party!) in honor of her special day. Cherith's family as well as three other families and a few teachers all came over. We enjoyed the delicious cakes and played some great games. Her mother is Very competitive and, not surprisingly, her team won both games! We had a blast hosting but all three of us agreed it was more work than we anticipated...but we are looking forward to/kind of already planning our opportunity to host!!

School starts in less than a week and I am starting to feel the pressure! Most of the day I walk around thinking "I can't possibly have my own classroom. I don't know what to do!" In reality, I know that's not true. I had a great professors/mentors in college and I truly believe I trained under one of DeWitt's best! I CAN do this!

Part of the problem stems from the fact that my teaching teammates all have a few years experience. Which is wonderful!! They will be/are great mentors to follow and learn from. But I keep comparing myself to them...which is not okay! Their excitement for more and new ideas is overwhelming me.

The other part of the problem is that I haven't been honest in telling them that I am overwhelmed by their questions and over-achieverness (yes I made up a word...its my blog!). I have been bottling up my fears and angst and today I almost reached the point of a blow-up...or break down. Either way, not what I want!!!

I had quite a bit of time to work in my classroom this afternoon and felt much better after that. I still feel like I have weeks of work to do and only a few days to complete it in....

My plan is to make it through the week with lots of deep breaths, tons of prayers, and a trust that everything will get done! And perhaps a small dose of honesty and grace too.

1 comment:

  1. How did I miss that you have a blog? This is great! And thanks for the comment about me (at least I like to think it was). I think of you all the time and I'm bragging to everyone that you are in Morocco!



There are 4.5 school days left in the school year. And, even though last week felt super long, this year really has zipped by. Here's m...