Sunday, November 18, 2012

Action Packed!

We kicked off yet another three-day weekend with a trip to the IMAX! They only show the movie in English on Thursday nights, so it's usually packed with people from our school! The current movie is Skyfall- the 007 movie! The perfect way to start a great weekend!

Friday, really wasn't very action packed, but it was productive! I got all kinds of work done in my classroom and for the class I am taking. We watched a movie and then moved out to the patio to watch the storm roll  in over the ocean! I am usually terrified when a storm is coming, but they're not potentially dangerous like storms at home, so I can relax and enjoy the beautiful light show! 

Saturday, we went grocery shopping. In three hours, we managed to hit four stores and finally have food in the cupboards again! That may not sound 'action-packed' but if you've ever witnessed the driving here, you know how intense it is! After unpacking the goods, we took off for the CIRCUS! 

I don't think I have been to the circus since I was seven...? So, it was time to go again!
I'm not sure if we were allowed to take photos or not, that information was given in French! We did manage this one before the show; and look who joined in...

One picture I wish I had...goose herding (geese herding?)!!! You know you're in for a good show when it starts with a man on a huge black horse chasing four geese around a tiny circle!

I didn't really think about or remember all the things that take place in a circus, but many of them fall into the death-defying or 'you could get seriously injured doing that' category...Sister, you have successfully brainwashed me and I can say without a doubt you would not have enjoyed it!

The tight-rope walkers performance was quite possibly the scariest thing I've seen in a very long time. No net and of course one slipped/fell. A few times. He caught himself on the wire and climbed back on so he never got hurt but we could see him clearly struggling on the platform. Even the other circus performers looked scared!

The circus was pretty cool and included all the things that make you gasp, smile, and squirm in your seat! Giant snakes, fire-breathing, crocodile wrestling, crazy strong people, sea lions, mini-horses (one had a monkey strapped to his back. We never figured out why), zebras, "super bikers," pantomime clowns, feisty tigers, and so much more! One of the tigers was pretty chubby and we didn't think he would make it through the hoop but he did it! Once.

After the circus we toured around the carnival next door and of course bought Cotton Candy!!  What is a trip to the circus without cotton candy?!

Sunday, was nice and calm. Sleeping in, church, work in the classroom, and calling home! Gotta prepare for another tough (short) week ;)

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty sure you were younger than 7 the last time we took you, some of it was because you were the 3rd child so the excitement of taking children to the circus had worn off and you got sick the last time we did take you which was a memory none of us could overcome :)




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