Sunday, January 31, 2016

Say cheese, December!

Riga Tree Lighting
Christmas Markets

LOTS of work for me
Lots of work for them
Learning (and teaching others) all about human rights

decorating "Christmas" cookies with friends

Ugly Sweater Season
The fancy grade 4 party
**Snow Show**
We did a compliment exchange instead of gifts

Staff Christmas party... this is my
wonderful assistant Kristine

Santa Run
Rorey, me, Rebekah

Home Sweet Home for the holidays! 

WITH ALL MY FAVORITE PEOPLE (not all favorite people are shown here)

Marveling at how much he's grown...
and celebrating it! 
celebrating in style of course.
New Years Eve with a new friend
Silly grins and cuddles with this kid
Seriously, that grin. 

What an end to a year that went too fast!! 

1 comment:

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There are 4.5 school days left in the school year. And, even though last week felt super long, this year really has zipped by. Here's m...