Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A new home for Betsy

She's not dead!
Although, I wouldn't have been surprised to see that.

Betsy's tank was a little messy. And by 'a little' I mean her tank hadn't been cleaned in over a month. And one of the 'not so detailed oriented' boys cleaned it that time.

It's been building for a while. The leftover food, fishy poo, and whatever the equivalent to dust in a fish's tank might be. I wish I had a good reason for the growing slime and grime, but really I don't. I also wish I had pictures, but I am afraid that might have resulted in an animal cruelty case... whoops.

But today, after weeks of Kristine and I saying, 'Betsy's tank is really bad. We should clean that,' it was cleaned! I asked the food service director for some rubber gloves, it was that bad, and I carefully carried our little science experiment to the sink.

As soon I slipped the net down into the tank, Betsy rushed into it. I think I even heard her cheering and thanking God for the deliverance. Usually we put her into a different tub with some water from her tank, this time it was all fresh water... she needed a bath.

Kristine came into the room at this point to giggle and tease that I had caved first and was stuck with the job. I can be lazy, but making her clean the tank just seemed cruel. She did help by pouring some soap into the tank and entertaining Betsy... I had forgotten her bath toys.

20 minutes, Lots of soap, several paper towels, more soap, and some unfortunate holes in the tips of the gloves, Betsy's tank was clean. I won't say shiny because classroom soap doesn't work miracles like that, but there was no longer green stuff in the corner or brown gunk covering the shell.

I carefully arranged everything back in dear Betsy's tank and filled it up with all clean water. Naturally, she was reluctant to go back in the tank, but I think she was pleased to see things looking good again. I even redecorated the wall...

The school photos arrived today. Along with coffee mugs, pillows, and teddy bears wearing t-shirts with faces on them (because hanging a photo above the mantle is no longer enough?). I asked the front desk if there was a class photo I could have and instead I was given six. I like my students, but one copy was good enough.

Since I had the extra glam shots, I decided to share with Betsy and slipped the picture in along the back. I hope the many smiling faces (and one very aggressively angry one) are a comfort to her. I know it makes me giggle when I glance at back at the (finally clean) tank.

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