Although it often feels that my entire life here is nothing but work, there are times and parts of life that are not work related. I really should celebrate and consider these parts of life more....sometimes school becomes a bit too consuming. Here's a brief look at some "other" stuff in my life here....
Ladies night.... With all the stress of school it's nice to have a chance to blow off some steam! We have our favorite places to visit like Ala for traditional Latvian fun, Stargorod for always interesting entertainment, Paglams because it's local, Burga- also local and always good, and Zoste fro sweet potato fries (Oh So Good!). But we-- Bekah, Rorey, and I-- decided to try out a new place. The Yolo Bar (yes, it's called yolo) had a pretty kickin happy hour deal and some tasty dinner options. Then, as is typical for a night in Riga, we went to a different bar to practice our few and usually mispronounced Latvian words. Then ended at a third bar for some dancing. The following Friday, we expanded our group to include some others and went for Korean food and great conversation! It's nice to debrief the week, and even better once the conversations turn away from work-stuff!
Rorey, Lynx, Cody |
Run, run, run..... I participated in another 5k. My friend has been a great encourager/enforcer of running habits. This 5k was in a different part of Riga, and I think I learned I would far rather run in the city than forest or countryside. But it was a nice run nonetheless. We even passed the ISL Lynx (the principal in mascot costume). We signed up for another 5k the following weekend, but it was rainy and the track was all sand, so we opted for our normal path through Riga's parks. I like that run more anyway.
Fall Festival... There is a big festival here that is essential a harvest fest. It includes a lot of local trade and crafts, and some amazing food vendors also. We strolled through the booths and I picked up some adorable gifts for my future niece/nephew coming in February! Normally we would have stayed out longer, but winter is fighting to come early this year, and its was windy and cold. So a quick stroll was good enough for us.
It's important I remember and think about these times. School really has felt all consuming this year. I'll be at the school for 10 hours and still feel guilty for leaving 'too early.' I wake up in the mornings with a never ending to-do list and recently, I've even had a few dreams (nightmares) related to school things. Yeah. It's important to remember these 'other' times exist!
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